JLW Solution along with our partners at Quay Diving Services conduct a infrastructure survey on the Kinghorn loch dam. The structure and all the fixed equipment was surveyed both above and below water. Taking away any doubts by producing video files to give a record of on this day condition without any guess work.
When the need arises to check infrastructure or equipment in a underwater or a dangerous confined space situation, our spyball equipment give the opportunity to conduct a video and photographic survey without the need to put any man at risk as well as the cost factors that his usually present to maintain his safety. In this situation a differential pressures factor which is often not considered or thought off, where a diver or equipment can be sucked onto or through large water valves. Spyball on its telescopic deployment metering staff take away this risk.
Please get in touch if you have a vessel or underwater equipment that needs surveyed we will do our best to assist.