Land reinstatement
JLW solutions expertise in land restoration are called upon by the Dow group to assist on the pipe line running along side the A77 south of Glasgow. Our experienced operators show willing on some particularly challenging steep and soft hill ground.
Clydebank port services facilities repairs
JLW solutions jump into action to assist the team at CPS with the replacement of prestressed dividing wall panels, taking advantage of the empty product bay allowing the facility repairs, to be kept it to the highest of standards. Great job Davie Finlay in challenging condition with concrete over a meter deep and lots of […]
Wind turbines in Inverness
JLW solutions are tasked with organising the lay down areas at Inverness harbour for Mcfayden transport, a particularly challenging task as the harbour has Collet transports Vestas project running at the same time making space for these massive sections a premium. Working here alongside Mcfayden transport, west of Scotland transport, collet transport, Stodart cranes, Simpson […]